Commentary on Frank Tipler's Presentation at the Turing Church Online Workshop 2
James Redford
updated August 17, 2015; originally published April 3, 2013
In the below video, physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's presentation starts at 41:32 min:sec and ends at 1:26:08 h:min:sec. Tipler's talk was part of the Turing Church Online Workshop 2 (prod. co.: Turing Church [,]), held on December 11, 2011.
* "JH-MR-FT-RS Turing Church Online Workshop", telexlr8 (YouTube), Dec. 12, 2011, run time: 2:09:16 h:min:sec., , .
The following video is an excerpt of Tipler's above presentation:
* "FT Turing Church Online Workshop", telexlr8 (YouTube), Dec. 13, 2011, run time: 21:47 min:sec., , .
Below is my commentary on the foregoing videos. The times given below are for the shorter video above (i.e., the excerpt video).
2:40 min:sec ff.: General Relativity is Newtonian mechanics made consistent with the requirement that the speed of light is the same for all observers. The speed of light being the same for all observers is an automatic consequence of Maxwell's Equations, which was first shown by Hendrik Lorentz and then Albert Einstein.
3:20 min:sec ff.: James Clerk Maxwell obtained his Equations because there were five fundamental laws coming from experiment: Faraday's Law; Gauss's Law; Ampère's Law; No Magnetic Monopoles; and Conservation of Electric Charge. Maxwell realized that these laws were mutually mathematically inconsistent: the Conservation of Electric Charge directly contradicts Ampère's Law. So what Maxwell did was add a term to Ampère's Law which made it consistent with the other equations. Maxwell was left with only four equations, but the Conservation of Electric Charge could be derived from them. However, Maxwell's Equations meant that the speed of light had to be the same for all observers.
4:10 min:sec ff.: Elie Cartan showed that in Newtonian mechanics, gravity is curvature of time only; whereas in General Relativity, gravity is curvature of space and time, i.e., spacetime (cf. Frank J. Tipler, The Physics of Christianity [New York: Doubleday, 2007], p. 33; and pp. 79-80 of Frank J. Tipler, "Albert Einstein: A Scientific Reactionary", pp. 73-83, in John Brockman [Ed.], My Einstein [New York: Vintage Books, 2007; orig. pub. 2006]). When Lorentz and Einstein's insight regarding the speed of light being the same for all observers is combined with Newtonian mechanics, then the Newton equations automatically become the Einstein equations.
5:05 min:sec ff.: Quantum Mechanics is a subset of Newtonian mechanics in the most general form of Newtonian mechanics, called the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, as was independently shown by Lev Landau and David Bohm.
Hence, there was no scientific revolution in the 20th century: what we are in fact doing when we use General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics is using subsets of Newtonian mechanics. Consequently, since all the forces in nature have been described and made consistent with each other (i.e., in the form of the Omega Point/Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model TOE), we have a Theory of Everything (TOE) in physics.
6:12 min:sec ff.: Tipler then goes on to show how the Omega Point cosmology is forced by the known laws of physics.
13:30 min:sec ff.: Tipler discusses quantum indistinguishability, which has been confirmed by many experiments.
18:56 min:sec ff.: There are still infinities in quantum field theory which are not eliminated by renormalization, as has been known since Freeman Dyson's work on this issue more than 50 years ago. However, when one takes into account the requirement imposed by unitarity that the universe must end in finite proper time, these nonrenormalizable infinities in quantum field theory and in Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity can be absorbed into the final singularity so that they never appear within spacetime, whereas the typical boundary conditions used by physicists make quantum field theory inconsistent with observations.
19:50 min:sec ff.: Imposing the Hawking boundary conditions (i.e., that the universe must end in finite proper time in order to avoid the violation of unitarity) on standard quantum field theory and standard quantum gravity theory (i.e., the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg theory of quantum gravity) makes these theories fully mathematically consistent. One thereby obtains a full theory of quantum gravity, of which quantum gravity theory makes the Standard Model of particle physics fully finite within spacetime, which means that with said Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity theory and the Standard Model of particle physics one has a full Theory of Everything in physics which is fully mathematically consistent, is finite within spacetime, and is in full agreement with experiment.
21:10 min:sec ff.: The Wheeler-DeWitt Equation is fully mathematically consistent with Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity once the same aforesaid boundary conditions are imposed.